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Are cosmetic contact lenses safe to wear?

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  • Are cosmetic contact lenses safe to wear?

    I saw many people wear cosmetic contact lenses. It make them more attracting. But i wonder if cosmetic contact lenses safe to wear. Will it any harm to eyes?

  • #2
    So, looks like you wanna wear cosmetic contacts. Well, typically, they've got two major functions, yes, beauty and vision. So, it seems that you want to wear them just to make yourself look more attractive. The truth is that if you wear them not too much, there will not be serious problems, but you have to clean them very carefully after use each time. Sometimes, if not properly kept and cleaned, there will be serious consequences. Sure, wearing them on a daily basis is not recommended. Hope you find my advice useful.


    • #3
      Yeah, wearing the cosmetic contact lenses become the popularity for the young to show their big watery eyes. This accessory really makes them look attractive. However, when you wear the cosmetic contact lenses, you should keep in mind that not wearing too much time a day, less than 8 hours a day. And you should keep a good habit of hygiene which may help you avoid the infection for eyes.

