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Does putting in contacts cause wrinkles?

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  • Does putting in contacts cause wrinkles?

    I heard that messing around with eye makeup can cause premature wrinkles, So i wonder if wearing colored contact lenses cause wrinkles?

  • #2
    No, i don't think that contact lenses will cause wrinkles. As we know, the contact lenses are required to put into eyes directly. they won't touch the skin around your eyes. If you put contact lenses in the right way, the contact lenses will just only sit over your Iris and don't touch your lids at all. So, don't worry about it.


    • #3
      Actually, the wrinkles are not so easy to be caused by contacts wearing. The wrinkles are caused by the external factor such as radiation as well as your age and habits and customs, such as fun-loving with smile. The makeup will lead wrinkles happen just as the cosmetics will damage the skin with its chemical composition other than skin squeeze. But please pay attention to the wearing time limit of your contacts. The fatigue of eyes will cause a wrinkle, that's true! If you want to take good care of your eyes, why not use a eye cream, the effect will be more obvious to you.


      • #4
        Yes, it may. Actually the cause of wrinkles by makeup is leaded by the chemical action into the complexion. When putting in contacts, one hand may enlarge the eyelid by thumb and index. Although it just needs a few seconds to complete this action, the everyday such doing may loose the up and down eyelids. Thus, the wrinkles around the eyes may appear. You should take notice of this and do it gently.


        • #5
          Contact lenses do not cause wrinkles. They don't touch any part of the skin around your eyes. If you are wearing them correctly, they sit over your Iris and don't touch your lids at all. If you put the lenses in properly, and take them out properly, you don't have to pull any skin. You'll get the hang of using a minimal amount of pulling on your lower lid. If you pull your cheek from lower down and open your eyes wider, an "expert" contact wearer can pop the lenses in with no effort. Wearing eye makeup doesn't cause premature wrinkles ether. If it happens to you, it just means your own skin ages faster.

