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At what age should children wear contact lenses?

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  • At what age should children wear contact lenses?

    My kid hates to wear prescription eyeglasses. But he has poor vision. So, i want to buy contact lenses to him. He is 7years. IS it too young to him to wear contacts? Or at what age should children wear contact lenses?

  • #2
    It is hard to tell. It mainly depends on your child. In fact, the decision of wearing contact lenses should be made jointly between you, your children and his eye doctor. So, just ask your son first and then take him to get an eye checked by eye doctor to see if he can wear contact lenses.


    • #3
      Wearing contact lenses aren't a matter of age, but it's better for the children who are over 13 to wear. Nowadays, a large number of children have eye vision problem, thus they need glasses to correct eye vision. However, they don't like regular glasses because it's not light and not beauty for them. Hence, the contact lenses can be a good option for children due to they are more convenient and easy for people to take and wear in daily life. The parents prefer to select daily disposable contact lenses for their children, thus the kids wear fresh and clean contact lenses as well as correct eye vision.

