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How to insert soft contact lenses?

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  • How to insert soft contact lenses?

    i plan to buy soft contact lenses. it is the first time to wear contacts. any tips about how to wear them?

  • #2
    Please don't worry about it. When you buy them in the shop, the optician will teach you to wear them. When I bought contacts the first time, the optician taught step by step and only when I could wear them by myself, I could take them always. But when I was familiar with wearing them, I think the way she taught me was not the best one. Let me list my steps here for you. There is the equipment to wear and pack the contacts. I often use the opposite side as others do to place the lens, because I find it is not easy to drop it on the ground. And then open my eyes as big as I can, you can use your hand at the first time. At last put the lens in my eye and the same with the other one. Finish! Still, you should also pay attention to the time you wear. It is better wear contact lenses 2 hours the first day, 4 hours the second day and 6 hours the third. From the fourth day, you can wear them 6- 12 hours per day.


    • #3
      The soft contact lenses are tiny and flexible plastic discs that you wear on the surface of the eyes. Before wearing the soft contact lenses, you should stand in front of a lighting and large enough mirror. Firstly, you should watch your hands and dry them firstly. And you use the tip of your finger to remove the lens from the case. Next, you can place the lens in the palm of your hand, and rinsing the lens by the solution. Then, returning the lens to the tip of your hand. After this step, you look at the mirror to pull lower eyelid down by using your middle finger. In the following, you insert the lens over your cornea and release your eyelid and look down. Finally, you blink a few times to adjust the lens. You repeat the same steps to wear the other contact lens on the other eye.


      • #4
        That is not so difficult. Let me tell you step by step. First, wash your hands to make sure they're clean and dry. Then use the special plastic tweezers to hold the lens on the top of your index finger. With your middle finger on the same hand, pull your lower eyelid down. At the same time, use your middle finger on your other hand to pull your upper eyelid up. Look up and gently place the lens on the lower white part of your eye. Remove your index finger and let go of your eyelids. Close your eyes for a second. The lens will center on your eye. Repeat these steps for the other lens.

