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How to tell if contact lenses are for left or right?

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  • How to tell if contact lenses are for left or right?

    I think that I have switched my contacts box by accident and now I can't tell which one is for left or right. Can you help?

  • #2
    When i buy contact lenses, the salesmen told me that it is OK to wear contact lenses without tell if they are for left or right only if your prescription are the same for the both of eyes. But if you have different eye prescription, you shall be cautions and not wearing the wrong lenses. As we know, there are signs "R" and "L" on the contacts cases, you shall make sure put your contact lenses in the right cases when you store them so that you won't mix them.


    • #3
      Wow, this is a little difficult to differentiate them, but if your eye prescriptions are the same or the contacts are zero diopter, it is not a problem, because why we make them right or left is to make sure that both prescriptions are fit for our eyes. If there's a big difference between your eye prescriptions, you can try to tell it one by one. For example, wear one of them in your eye, if it is comfortable, that's the right one, if it is not comfortable, put it in the other eye, and try to find which the best is. If you still can not tell them in this way, I suggest you turn to the optical shops where you bought them, and ask them for help.


      • #4
        As we all known, the contact lens is the same like regular glasses, because the contact lens has no frame to get left and right lenses together. Hence, it is not easy to identify the left or the right lens because of they are look almost the same. Actually, there is no exact a solution to identify the left and right contact lenses. However, here is a few tips is helpful to do that. If you wanna wear contact lenses, a contact lenses case with label "L" and "R" is necessary for you to decrease the error of identify both lenses. And you had better cultivate the habit of wearing right contact lens firstly, then left contact lens, and taking the right contact lens firstly, then left contact lens. If you wear the opposite contact lens, you would feel uncomfortable and blurry. But it is not health to do that.


        • #5
          As we all known, the contact lens is the same like regular glasses, because the contact lens has no frame to get left and right lenses together. Hence, it is not easy to identify the left or the right lens because of they are look almost the same. Actually, there is no exact a solution to identify the left and right contact lenses. However, here is a few tips is helpful to do that. If you wanna wear contact lenses, a contact lenses case with label "L" and "R" is necessary for you to decrease the error of identify both lenses. And you had better cultivate the habit of wearing right contact lens firstly, then left contact lens, and taking the right contact lens firstly, then left contact lens. If you wear the opposite contact lens, you would feel uncomfortable and blurry. But it is not health to do that.


          • #6
            Actually, there's no way to tell the left and the right if you make them mixed. But there still are two ways to tell them. First, if your two eyes are with different prescriptions, then you can take one of your contacts and try the contacts on your one of your eyes. If you see things clear after your try, congratulations that is your actual contact. If you see things still fuzzy, you get the wrong contact for your eye. Then you can tell which is which. Second, if your two eyes are with the same descriptions, there is no big thing to tell which is which.


            • #7
              You can only have a judgement according to your own feeling. You can use the eye with high degree to have a test, if you can not see clearly when wearing one of contact lens, then the lens is not for this eye, you can wear the other one. In order to be facilitate us to wear, the box of contact lenses generally marked with Land R, you should put the contact lenses in right box when you remove your lens. This is easy for you distinguish when you wear in next time.

