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What are the best sports contact lenses?

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  • What are the best sports contact lenses?

    i hate to wear glasses in a sports activity and i am considering sports contact lenses. What are the best sports contact lenses?

  • #2
    In my opinion, GP contact lenses are the best sports contact lenses. First of all, GP contact lenses let more oxygen reach the eyes, so they can make your eyes more comfortable and healthier. Next, Gp contact lenses won't make your eyes dry out because they don't draw moisture from the tear film. Therefore GP contact lenses are comfortable to wear for sports players. Finally, GP contact will provide clear vision for players so that they can focus on the ball clearly.


    • #3
      I understand you and i also hate to wear glasses, too. But if you play some drastic sports activites, you'd better wear specially sports glasses. For example, if you play football, the ball may hit your eyes, or other athletes may hit your eyes when you scramble the ball, it will cause unexpected damages if you wearing contact lenses. But wearing sports glasses, the strong materials will shield your eyes from that damages.

