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How to clean half frame glasses?

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  • How to clean half frame glasses?

    I want to take good care of my half frame glasses and there are some dirt on it. How to clean it properly?

  • #2
    It is easy job to clean your half framed eyeglasses. Just the same as you do to other types of eyeglasses. You shall first soaking the eyeglasses into clean water. Then try to wipe out the dirty with a piece of eyeglasses cloth. If it doesn't work, you can adopt some mild soap water to clean it. Then, flush all soap water out of your eyeglasses and dry it with a pieces of eyeglasses cloth. Hope this help.


    • #3
      Firstly, flush your glasses with water. Secondly, use liquid detergent to shift these stains and finger marks. Thirdly, clean bubbles away with water. Finally, soak up the half frame glasses with dry clean glasses cloth. One thing you should know is all kinds of glasses can use this way to clean.


      • #4
        You just find a clean cloth which is especially used to clean the eyeglasses. If there is the oil splash on it, you just use a little amount of cleaning agent on the cloth to wash it. You should remember that when you clean it with the cloth, you should follow one side. Or else, there may be the light prints on the lenses.


        • #5
          There are three steps to clean your half frame glasses. First, you should wash your glasses with water. Second, wash your glasses with mild sop solution or cleaning solution. Third, when you finish washing, use a soft cloth to clean the cover of the glasses. You should not use rough cloth or tissue to clean the glasses because that will leave trace on our glasses. At last, you can bring your glasses to the glasses store and ask specialist to clean them, which will make them cleaner. If you want to take good care of frame glasses, you should clean them at a regular time and put them in the glasses box when you finish using them. What's more, use both your hands to wear or to take off.

