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Can being overweight cause bags under eyes?

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  • Can being overweight cause bags under eyes?

    I just wonder if obesity can lead to eye bags?

  • #2
    Well, being overweight may lead to eye bags indeed. As we all know, eye bags under eyes are swellings. But what are they swellings? They are fat actually. Is someone get oversight means that the one may contain so much fat. These fat covers all skin in our body included the skin around eyes. Some cosmetologist suggest that we should not wash the skin under eyes with any facial cleanser and use any creams on them. That's because these cosmetics contain abundant fat which are easy to gather and not to resolve. Then the piles occur. This just like overweight which produce much fat to go together around eyes. But not all people who are oversight can get eye bags, some of them are still not. Here some home remedies help you get rid of them. First, apply cold spoon on two eyes to reduce swellings. Second, use raw potatoes to remove your bags. Third, you also can massage some eye cream which contains little fat to give you beautiful eyes.


    • #3
      I think it is possible to have eye bags from obesity. Obesity refers to obviously overweight and too thick adipose layer. It is not only overweight, but also excessive fat tissue accumulated in body. Obesity is very bad for health. Overweight people are at a much higher risk of problems of heart and artery. It is a very much burden for obesity people to support the blood circulation. The skin of eyes is very thin and brittle, so it is easy to get fluid retention there. It is a common knowledge that too much fat accumulated under eyes would definitely worsen the bags. The eye bags are possible caused by many other factors, for examply aging, saggy skin due to collagen loss and poor sleeping. Eye bags mark the skin aging, which is inevitable, but I would like to do everything to prevent it or slow down the process.


      • #4
        It seems that there are no connection between obesity and eye bags, but as a matter of fact, being over weight can exactly cause bags under eyes. It is more harder for obesity people to support the blood circulation than other normal people. The skin of eyes is very thin and brittle, so it is easy to get fluid retention there. Besides, someone get overweight means that the one may contain so much fat. These fat covers all skin in our body included the skin around eyes and these abundant fat are easy to gather and not to resolve. If you just put this problem on one side, these fat accumulated under eyes would definitely worsen the bags and finally make bags more obvious. To solve the problem, using raw potatoes or cucumbers to remove your bags is an advisable choice. What's more, you can also massage your eyes with clean hands before sleep every night. Hope these can be helped.

