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Is it possible to get melanoma in the eye?

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  • Is it possible to get melanoma in the eye?

    Is it possible to get melanoma in the eye?

  • #2
    While quite rare, melanoma in the eye is certainly possible, and is one of the reasons that you have your eyes dilated when you are receiving an eye examination, as it makes the full examination of the part of your eye that could be involved with a cancer such as melanoma both easier and more effective. Melanoma of the eye can be devastating, in that it can be a very serious cancer that can go undetected for some time. That is why it is important to discuss this with your doctor. Also, if you are wearing sunglasses, it is important to make sure that they have UV protection. UV rays are a type of radiation, and like all radiation, it can damage the DNA and other architecture of the eyes and skin. This damage can lead to problems down the road, one of the worst of which is the unregulated cell growth that can come to be cancer. Again, it is best to speak with your doctor about these questions, as he or she can provide you the most specific information for your situation and give advice, recommendations, testing or screening as needed.


    • #3
      Yes, melanoma is a kind of cancer that develops in the cells that product melanin. The pigment that gives your skin its color. Your eyes also have melanin-producing cells and can develop melanoma. Eye melanoma is also called ocular melanoma.Most eye melanomas form in the part of the eye you can't see when looking in a mirror. This makes eye melanoma difficult to detect. In addition, eye melanoma typically doesn't cause early signs or symptoms. Treatment is available for eye melanomas. Treatments for some small eye melanomas may not interfere with your vision. However, treatment for large eye melanomas typically causes some vision loss.

