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What is night blindness?

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  • What is night blindness?

    What is night blindness?

  • #2
    Night blindness (nyctalopia) is a type of vision impairment. People with night blindness experience poor vision at night or in dimly lit environments. Although the term "night blindness" implies that you cannot see at night, this is not the case. You may just have more difficulty seeing and/or driving in darkness. Some types of night blindness are treatable, and others are not. Consult your doctor to determine the underlying cause of your vision impairment. Once you know the cause of the problem, you can take steps to correct your vision.


    • #3
      Night blindness is not a complete lack of vision at night, as the name implies. It is a below-average ability to see at night or in low light. Night blindness, unlike color blindness, is not a disorder in itself, but rather a symptom of an underlying condition. It can occur in people of all ages, even young children.Your night vision naturally differs from your day vision in many ways. In darkness, the eye is basically color blind; visual acuity is poor, and the eye sees only a fraction of what it sees in daylight. A central scotoma (an area of diminished vision) appears in the center of the visual field; and the eye is unable detect stationary objects as well as it can detect moving objects.


      • #4
        Night blindness, also called nyctalopia, that means the eyes are hard to adapt promptly from light to darkness a reduced ability to see in dim light or at light. It occurs as a symptom of numerous congenital and inherited retinal diseases or as a result of vitamin a deficiency. Congenital night blindness with or without myopia occurs either as a dominant, recessive, or sex-linked hereditary trait and usually remains stable throughoutlife. Night blindness developing during childhood or adolescence may be an early sign of retinitis pigmentosa.


        • #5
          Night blindness, also called nyctalopia, is not itself a disorder. Instead, it is a symptom of other disorders.People who have an underlying disorder that causes night blindness have dysfunctional cells in the retina involved in dim light vision. Night blindness may also occur when driving at night: this occurs for a few seconds after bright headlights pass by and the eyes need to readjust

