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What are the disadvantages of wearing contact lenses?
People keep telling me it's going to be hard handling contacts because according to them; taking care of them would easily piss me off. What do you think...
How to use the solution & how to put contact lenses in?
How much solution do you need to put on them? and do you need solution on your finger before you put it in?I really need more information about it.
Can I get kids contact lenses anywhere?
Where can I get children's contact lenses? i dont need them but I want to look like something cool.I have only found adult ones though.
What is the best brand of contact lenses?
My job requires me to spend majority of the time in front of the computer and my eyes get dry fast. I have been wearing glasses for the past 2 months,...
What is the difference between toric contacts lenses and regular contact lenses?
my sister and i both wear contact lenses. Mine are regular and hers are toric. We have notice that hers are a lot more expensive that mine. What is the...
What's the maximum degree for one to wear contact lenses?
The last time i took it was 280+ degree on 1 eye and 300+ on the other. It should have worsen a little but can i still wear contact lenses? What is the...
Can I get contact lenses with an eyeglass prescription?
How long does it take to make contact lenses? It's 6AM right now, and I want them by 1PM. Is that realistic?
What is the best brand for contact lenses?
The above question is for all the brands out there. One more question. Out of the following brands, which is better: 1. Bausch and Lomb PureVision Contact...
What contact lenses are better than acuvue 2?
I've been wearing acuvue 2 lenses for over 3 years and now I feel they're starting to lose my interest. I went three weeks straight with wearing my glasses...
Should I take off my makeup before taking out of my contacts?
Which should I take off first in case my contacts won't be contaminated.
How can you find contact lenses lost in a pool?
I lost my contact lenses in the pool and I can't find them. They are soft contact lenses. Any ideas?
How do I make my contact lenses less noticeable?
I wear contact lenses but I don't want to let people know.I just wonder how to make contact lenses less noticeable so that people can't notice.