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Can I wear monthly contact lens over one month?
I have been wearing monthly disposable contacts for several months,but was wondering if I can wear the contacts lens beyond one month saying 45 or 60...
Should i get contacts or stick with glasses?
I have been wearing glasses for years, but now I really want to change this situation. However, I once heard people talking about the disadvantage of...
Can i reuse 1 day contacts?
I bought one day contacts the day before yesterday because of my speech. Can I go on wearing them today coz I find that it is so convenient to wear contacts....
Does the diameter of contact lenses matter?
This morning I overheard people talking about the diameter of contact lenses. Does that matter a lot? I think everyone' s contacts are the same.
Can you wear contacts with eye floaters ?
I have got eye floaters these days, can I still wear my contacts? By the way, what can I do to get rid of my eye floaters? I don' t feel well.
Why do my contacts move out of place?
Sometimes my contacts will move out of its place. At that time, my eyes will feel uncomfortable. Why does that happen? Any solutions?
Are hard contacts bad for your eyes ?
It seems there is a small group of people who choose hard contact lenses. Why? Are hard contact lenses bad for the eyes?
Do you prefer glasses or contacts?
How do you think of eyeglasses and contact lenses? Which one do you prefer to correct vision?
Are glow in the dark contacts bad for your eyes ?
Can i wear contact lenses with glow in the dark color? Or it can causes damages to eyes? Any idea?
Why do my contacts keep moving in my eyes?
i tried to wear contact lenses. But i don't know why the contacts keep moving in my eyes. Shall i need sometime to adapt it? Please can you tell me how...
How to stop contacts from sticking to your finger?
When i try to wear my contact lenses, the lenses just sticking my finger. Why? How can i stop it? Do you have any good idea that can help me put the lenses...
How to stop your contacts from bothering you?
The contact lenses cause discomfort in my eyes. Is there anything that i can do to stop it?
What happens if you don't change your contacts regularly?
I just have a pair of contact lenses, The seller told me that the contact can only be used for a month. Now, it almost over the time. Can i continue to...
What happens if you swim with your contacts on?
Can i wearing my contact lenses when i swim? Or it is very bad for eyes? How do you think of it?
What happens if your contacts get wet?
My contact lenses get wet by tap water. Can i continue to wear it? What will happen?