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How to know if your contact lenses are non prescribed?
My contact lenses are freshlook and on the back it says BC MEDIAN 14.5 and on the side of the box it says -0.00 then a little sign and 2013-01. What does...
Where can I get fake contact lenses to color my eyes?
I want to get some colored contact lenses which can make my eyes more beautiful. I don't want to wear real contacts because I don't have vision problem.So...
Are the multifocal contacts a good choice to alleviate wearing glasses at all?
I wear reading glasses over contacts so I only have to wear glasses part of the time.
Is there anyway I can get contact lenses without having a doctor prescription?
I have good vision and only want to use contact lenses for fun, I was intended to get them from the store but they say I need a doctor prescription. How...
Do women wear contact lenses rather than wearing glasses because of fashion ?
I see many women and young girls like to wear contact lenses, why?
What color contact lenses would look good on a person with dark hair and skin?
I am thinking about one day getting contact lenses.I am a black caribbean yeah that sort of thing.But I am around Gabrielle Union to like Oprah's complextion.Such...
How long can you leave contact lenses in the case without replacing the solution?
I have regular 2 week contact lenses. Sometimes I don't wear them for a week. How long can I leave them in the case without having to replace the sol...
How does an appointment to get contact lenses work?
Well, I'm going to get contact lenses soon and I want do know what the doctor does. How do they measure the diameter of your eyes. Does wearing contacts...
How can I get rid of redness from wearing contact lenses?
I wear contact lenses for about 13-15 hours a day and ive been getting like these red wavery veins from the outer side of my eyes. It could be from wearing...
How long can you store contact lenses if the package were not open or even wear it?
So, I have monthly contact lenses that been in a seal package. I have not open the seal package or wear the contacts. Can I still wear them now? I think...
What differs from aspheric and spheric contact lenses?
The only thing I can see is that aspheric lenses are about $20 more on 1-800-CONTACTS. why? What makes them better than spheric contact lenses?