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Can glaucoma cause eye twitching ?
I have glaucoma. Also in recent days, i got eye twitching now and then. Can glaucoma cause eye twitching? If not, What make my eyes twitching?
Is double vision a symptom of glaucoma?
My grandma has got glaucoma for years, and I heard my doctor friend that this kind of disease can cause a couple of eye problems such as eye pain, blurry...
Can you smoke weed if you have glaucoma?
I have been smoking for years and these days I have been diagnosed with glaucoma, so should I give up smoking?
Can you still drive with glaucoma?
My father is a taxi driver, and yesterday he was diagnosed with glaucoma. So can he still drive as usual? What should we pay attention to?
Can you work if you have glaucoma?
I was diagnosed with glaucoma. Is it really bad eye diseases? Is it OK if i continue my work?
Can you live a normal life with glaucoma?
How can glaucoma affect our life? Can i get a normal life if i suffered from glaucoma?
Can you exercise if you have glaucoma?
I have glaucoma. Is it OK if i do some exercise? Is it possible to make my eyes more serious? Do you have any good idea?
Does glaucoma cause night blindness?
Is it possible to suffer night blindness from glaucoma? Is it possible? Or what are the side effects on eyes from glaucoma?
What people are at the high risk for glaucoma ?
I just want to know that what people are at the highest risk for glaucoma? Is there any thing that i can do to prevent it?
Does glaucoma cause night blindness?
Is it possible to suffer night blindness from glaucoma? Is it possible? Or what are the side effects on eyes from glaucoma?
How is glaucoma treated?
I know it is kind of hard to answer, but I really need your help, guys.
Is glaucoma considered a disability?
My father seems to get glaucoma these days, I am wondering if it is considered a disability.
Does myopia cause glaucoma?
It is said that myopia can cause glaucoma, is that true? What can we do to prevent this from happening?
What does it feel like to have glaucoma?
How can I know if I have got glaucoma? Any symptoms?
Does glaucoma cause optic nerve damage?
Can glaucoma damage your optic nerve? How does that happen?