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Can tooth infection cause pink eye?
I suffer from tooth infection. I am worried about it. Will it further cause eye infection even pink eyes? Any idea?
Can rabbits give you pink eye?
Can I get pink eyes from staring ast a rabbits? If so, how can I prevent it?
Can the flu give you pink eye?
I got flu. And I noticed that my eyes are red. Is this pink eye? Can flue cause pink eyes? Any way to treat it?
Are conjunctivitis and pink eye the same thing?
I heard that pink eyes and conjunctivitis are caused by infection. So, is conjunctivitis the same as pink eyes? Or what are their differences?
Can urine cause pink eye?
Is it possible to get pink eyes from urine. If a bit of urine get into eyes, what's the bad effects ?
Is pink eye permanent?
Will pink eyes permanent affect my eyes? How can i cure it?
Can mold cause pink eye?
Is it possible to get pink eyes from mod? How can mod affect the eyes?
Is pink eye usually in both eyes?
I wonder if it possible to get pink eye in one eye. Or pink eyes usually happen to both of eyes?
Can mono cause pink eye ?
Can mono affect our eyes? Is it possible to cause pink eyes? How do you think about it?
Does pink eye cause light sensitivity?
I got pink eyes. And i feel sensitive to light. Is this normal? Can pink eyes cause light sensitivity?
What causes pink eye in children?
Why children are easily to get pink eye?Is there anything to do to prevent this?
Should i send my child to school with pink eye?
I son got pink eyes. Shall i still send him to school? Or he need stay at home?
Should i go to the doctor with pink eye?
I got pink eyes, will it go away itself with the time? Or i shall see a doctor and take medical treatment?