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How to put out folded stuck contact lenses?
There is a contact lens stuck in my eyes. What should i do? How can i remove the stuck contact lens?
What are dangers of wearing someone else's contact lenses?
My contact lenses are gone and i can't find them. Is it ok to wear my sister's contacts.
Where to get zebra contact lenses for cheap?
i will go to a party and i want to wear special contacts. So, i am looking for wide zebra contact lenses. Where can i get thses strang conact lenses at...
How do you remove protein deposits from contact lenses?
There are protein on my contacts. Who can tell me the way to get rid of protein without scratching my contacts.
Can contacts cause yellow eyes?
My eyes turn yellowish. I often wear contact lenses. Does wearing contacts can lead to yellow eyes. If not, what cussed my yellow eyes?
Is walmart a good place to get contacts?
I don't want to wear glasses anymore and i plan to wear contacts. How much are contacts at walmart. Is walmart a good place to buy prescription contact...
How to stop contacts from drying out?
i have acuvue contacts and what can i do to keep my contact lenses from getting dry out. Any idea?
Can i clean contact lenses with vinegar?
I just wonder if i can clean my prescription contact lenses with vinegar? Is it ok to do that?
Where can i buy mickey mouse contact lenses?
I love cute contact lenses and i wanna buy mickey mouse contact lenses? Is there any place you can recommend for me to buy mickey mouse contact lenses?...
Where is the best place to buy star contact lenses ?
i want to wear contacts to make my eyes stand out and this time i prefer star contact lenses? Do you know where can i get these special contact lenses....
Where to buy sparkle contact lenses at cheap prices?
I will go to a big party and i want to wear special contacts to make me stand out. Do you know where i can get sparkle contact lenses? I do not want to...
Where to buy spider web contact lenses for halloween?
I like to wear special and strange contact lenses. I wanna get spider web contacts for the coming Halloween party. Is it cool? Where can i get them?
Where to get violet contact lenses for blue eyes?
My eyes are blue. Do violet contact lenses look good on me? Do you know the places i can get great violet contact lenses at cheap prices?
s it cheaper to get contacts at walmart or costco?
Have you bought contacts from walmart or costco? I plan to buy contact lenses and i will make my choice between walmart and costco. Which one provides...
Can i wear contact lenses after glaucoma surgery?
Can I continue to wear contacts three days after i took glaucoma surgery? Is it ok?