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What is the easy way to put contact lenses in?
i've tried it before & i just couldn't do it. I just can't manage to put contact lenses in my eyes, does anybody have any tips to help me face that...
What happens if your pupils dilate past your contact lenses?
I have really poor vision (20/400 to be exact) and I wear hard-permeable contact lenses. This type of lens is much smaller than a regular contact lens...
How can i get black contact lenses if I have a good vision?
Everytime i go to order them they ask for a power or the contact lenses. Where can i get them without that question or what do i put there? I don't wear...
How many times do you replace your contact lenses case?
If you're a contact lenses wearer, please tell me how often you replace yours, and if you have had any problems by using the case for more than 3 months....
which should I choose,powered sunglasses or contact lenses with regular sunglasses?
I need sunglasses,but I have strong prescription.So which should I choose?
How do i get contact lenses when each eye has a different prescription?
I have one quite bad eye, and the other is almost fine, i was wondering if this would affect me getting contact lenses such as making them dearer or ...
Can i get colored contact lenses with amblyopia?
Can i get colored contact lenses with amblyopia (lazy eye) How about daily contact lenses?
I have regular monthly contact lenses but i...
How many hours of wearing are soft contact lenses good for?
Some people wear contacts all day while other people only wear for few hours. Before I wear my contacts, I want to know how long should I wear my contacts?...
What color contact lenses looks good on brown?
I want to get colored contact lenses. I have dark brown eyes, what color contact lens looks good on dark brown eyes?
Are there contact lenses that protect the eyes in the same way sunglasses do?
Are there contact lenses that protect the eyes in the same way sunglasses do?
If I need contact lenses can I qualified to be a pilot?
What would be the closest to being an airline pilot if I need contact lenses to correct my eyesight?
How to choose contact lenses and where do i get them?
Where can i get good contact lenses (which company makes the best ones)? Should I go to my eye doctor or to a eye glass company like Eyemart or Walmart...
How long can i keep contact lenses stored in the lens case?
I wear weekly contact lenses and i don't wear them everyday. Im planning not to wear them for the next two days, so do i have to change their solution...