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Can you get coloured contacts that work as normal contacts?
Wantin some contacts for halloween but i already wear normal contacts to correct my vision, is there any lenses that are coloured and work as normal contacts...
How long can you store contact lenses in the lens case?
I have yearly coloured contact lenses and I haven't worn them for over a month. Is it OK to use them or should I have changed the solution by now? I haven't...
Are there night contact lenses wearing at night for daytime improvments?
I am planning to get contact lenses that you wear at night for daytime improvements. Are there any health issues or disadvantages that I will get from...
How long can I use my contact lenses before disposing it?
I use disposable contact lenses. I've been wearing (these) contacts now for almost 4 months. I wear them almost everyday of the week, for about 12-14...
How can I get some more contacts without paying $100++ for another eye exam?
I'm sure this is just procedure, but my eyesight is fine, my eye health is fine. It should be up to me whether or not I actually get the exam, but my...
Where can I purchase contact lenses without a prescription?
I have an outdated prescription for contact lenses. I know my vision has not changed and all I need is some new lenses with my old prescription. Am currently...
where's the cheapest place on the net to get plain contact Lenses?
I am going to get colored contact lenses, can anyone suggest some cheapest place on the net I can order some from?
Can I get kids contact lenses anywhere?
Where can I get children's contact lenses? i dont need them but I want to look like something cool.I have only found adult ones though.
What is the best brand of contact lenses?
My job requires me to spend majority of the time in front of the computer and my eyes get dry fast. I have been wearing glasses for the past 2 months,...