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500 results in 0.0583 seconds.
How long can you store contact lenses in the lens case?
I have yearly coloured contact lenses and I haven't worn them for over a month. Is it OK to use them or should I have changed the solution by now? I haven't...
Are there night contact lenses wearing at night for daytime improvments?
I am planning to get contact lenses that you wear at night for daytime improvements. Are there any health issues or disadvantages that I will get from...
How long can I use my contact lenses before disposing it?
I use disposable contact lenses. I've been wearing (these) contacts now for almost 4 months. I wear them almost everyday of the week, for about 12-14...
What are the best and most comfortable contact lenses?
I've tried many brands and none of them is satisfying to me. So i wanna try a better brand this time. What are the best and most comfortable contact ...
How can I get some more contacts without paying $100++ for another eye exam?
I'm sure this is just procedure, but my eyesight is fine, my eye health is fine. It should be up to me whether or not I actually get the exam, but my...
Where can I purchase contact lenses without a prescription?
I have an outdated prescription for contact lenses. I know my vision has not changed and all I need is some new lenses with my old prescription. Am currently...
where's the cheapest place on the net to get plain contact Lenses?
I am going to get colored contact lenses, can anyone suggest some cheapest place on the net I can order some from?