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What color of contact lenses go good with black hair?
I am going to get contact lenses.And I want to know what color of the contact lenses would go with my black hair?
How Multifocal Contact Lenses Work?
I don't know how multifocal lenses work.Can anyone explain this to me?
How long can unopened contact lenses be stored?
I have monthly contact lenses that haven't been opened.Can I wear them now? And how long can the unopened contact lenses be stored?
Whats the difference between Hard and soft Contacts?
I'm contemplating on getting some contacts,but don't know the difference between Hard and soft Contacts .And how do you get them in and out of your e...
How often do you guys replace your contacts cases?
If you're a contact lenses wearer, please tell me how often you replace yours, and if you have had any problems by using the case for more than 3 mon...
What the results can be of using soft contact lens solution for hard contacts?
Does anybody have the experience?
Can I use hard contacts prescriptions for soft contacts?
Are there any differences?
Can I get bifocal prescription contacts?
I used to wear bifocal glasses,but I wonder if the bifocal is availabe in contacts.
Are there such things as bifocal contacts?
I used to wear bifocal glasses,but now I need some contacts.My doctor said there is no bifocal contacts.Is it true?
Are bifocal contact lenses easy to use?
Are they just Like wearing glasses?Has anyone tried them?
Is it safe to wear colored contacts?
I have perfect vision but I want colored contacts to change my eye color.I don't want to have any eye problems.Is it safe to wear?
Can I use annual contact Lens more than one year?
I am just wondering what the results can be if use annual contact Lens more than one year.
What does BC stand for on contact lenses prescription?
What does BC stand for on contact lenses prescription?
What is the maximum power for contact lenses?
I want to get some contacts but I really have a high prescription.Does anyone know What is the maximum power for contact lenses?