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19 results in 0.0446 seconds.
Can b12 deficiency cause optic neuritis?
I just want to know if b12 deficiency lead to optic neuritis? Or what causes it?
Is optic neuritis contagious?
One of my friends said that he got optic neuritis. What does optic neuritis mean? Is it contagious?
Can smoking cause optic neuritis?
I heard that smoking can lead to optic neuritis. Really? Why? Shall i give up smoking?
Can optic neuritis cause double vision?
I have optic neuritis. Also, i got double vision. Why? Can optic neuritis cause the double vision?
Is optic neuritis hereditary?
I have optic neuritis. I worry if my baby will also suffer optic neuritis? Is it hereditary?
Can optic neuritis be cured?
Do you have any good idea to cure optic neuritis? Can i be cures? Please help.
Will optic neuritis go away?
I have optic neuritis. What should i do now? Can optic neuritis go away itself? Or any way to treat it?
Can optic neuritis cause floaters?
I was diagnosed WITH optic neuritis. Also, i noticed that eye floaters increase. It is so strange. Can optic neuritis lead to eye floaters?
Can optic neuritis cause permanent blindness?
I am so upset because i just diagonised with optic neuritis. Will it cause permanent blindness? How can i get rid of it?
Can stress cause optic neuritis?
I got optic neuritis. It scares me. Why? What causes it? Can stress lead to optic neuritis?
Can acupuncture help optic neuritis?
My firend told me that acupuncture can help people with optic neuritis . Is there anyone who have tried it? Does it really work?
Can an optometrist diagnose optic neuritis?
I guess i get optic neuritis. Can i take an eye exam by an optometrist? Will s/he diagnose it?
How to know if i have optic neuritis?
What are the sighs of optic neuritis ? How can i tell if i suffer optic neuritis ?
How long to recover from optic neuritis?
How long will it take to cure my optic neuritis ? Or do you have any good idea to treat optic neuritis quickly?
Can optic neuritis cause permanent damage?
Is it very bad to suffer optic neuritis? Can i cure it?