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What is the reason of eye pain?
Can anyone here can give me idea the main the causes of eye pain? This past few days I experience eye pain specially if I am too much exposed my light...
Can migraines cause eye pain?
I suffered from migraines. But my eyes also feel pain. Why? Can migraines cause eye pain?
Does a detached retina cause eye pain?
Is it painful when someone suffered from detached retina? How can i tell if i got detached retina? Any sign of it?
Can vertigo cause eye pain?
Can i get eye pain from vertigo? What causes vertigo? Any way to prevent it?
Does acupuncture points work for eye pain?
I got eye pain now and then. Maybe it caused by lots of reading. So, what can i do now? Does acupuncture points help me?
Does sinus infection cause eye pain?
I suffer from sinus infection. And my eyes feel pain. Is this normal?
Can rheumatoid arthritis cause eye pain?
Is it possible to get eye pain from rheumatoid arthritis? How can rheumatoid arthritis affect on our eyes?
Does mono cause eye pain?
Is mono bad to eyes? If it possible to get eye pain from it?
Can fatigue cause eye pain?
Is it normal to get pain in eyes when i feel fatigue? Or it is a sign of eye diseases? How can i treat it?
Why do my eyes hurt when I read? But I can see the words just fine.
Can you tell me what's wrong with my eyes? They hurt when I read. I wear glasses for many years. I can see fine with my glasses but when I read book or...
How to relieve eye pain caused by smokes?
My father works at a barbecue place and he is around smoke all day. Well he worked overtime and worked for 17 hours (seeing as it's Christmas eve) The...
How to treat red and swollen eyes caused by a hit?
My boyfriend had a cardboard box fall off of a shelf and the corner hit him in the eyeball two months ago. His eyes were really bloodshot and swollen...
How long does pain last after prk ?
Is it pain to take PRK surgery? How long will it last? I just want to know because i am gonna to take a PRK surgery.
Does jaundice cause eye pain?
My mother has got jaundice these days. She told me that her eyes were quite painful this morning. Is that caused by her jaundice? What can we do now?