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Can lack sleep cause lazy eye?
Is it possible to get lazy eyes because of lacking sleep? What are the side effects on eyes if i chronic lacking of sleep?
Can a person with lazy eye drive?
I have a lazy eye. Can i drive? Any suggestion?
Can stress cause lazy eye?
Can I get lazy eyes when I work with great stress? Is it possible?
Can astigmatism cause lazy eye?
I just want to know if astigmatism leads to lazy eyes? If so, how can I prevent it?
Can botox cause crossed eyes?
Is it possible to get crossed eyes because botox? If so, how can i treat it?
Can acupuncture help crossed eyes?
I have crossed eyes. Can acupuncture treat my eyes? Or how can i correct my eyes?
Are lazy eyes permanent?
I got lazy eyes. How can i treat it? Will it company me the rest of my life?
Is it normal for a newborn to cross their eyes?
I noticed that my newborn baby cross their eyes now and then. Is this normal??Or how can i stop him?
How to make lazy eyes less noticeable?
I have lazy eyes. But i don't want to be noticed by others. So, any suggestion? How to make my lazy eyes less noticeable?
Is there a cure for crossed eyes?
How can i treat crossed eyes? Can it be cured? How?
Can a stroke cause a lazy eye?
I heard that a stroke can cause a series of eye problems. Do you know what exactly are those problems? Do they include a lazy eye?
Can anything be done about a lazy eye?
I have got a lazy eye since I was born. But this really makes my life very inconvenient. What can I do to improve my lazy eye?
Is there any cure for a lazy eye?
I have got a lazy eye since I was born. And this really bothers me a lot in my daily life. I am wondering if my lazy eye can be cured.
What causes lazy eyes in adults?
My brother is already 36 years old, why can he still catch lazy eye?