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Why do i get watery eyes after prk surgery?
I just took a prk surgery. And now, i get watery eyes. Is this normal? Why or why not?
Why my eyes are always watery?
Recently, my eyes are always watery, I do not know why? My mother asked me to see a doctor, however, I do not have any other symptoms. Do I need to go...
Can tea tree oil help watery eyes?
I heard that tea tree oil can help reduce watery eyes. But i have no experiences. Do you have any idea? Can tea tree oil help people with watery eyes...
Can thyroid cause watery eyes?
Is it possible to get watery eyes because of thyroid problems? Any suggestion?
Can botox cause watery eyes?
I got watery eyes after taking botox. Is this normal? Or what causes it?
Are watery eyes a sign of pregnancy?
In recent days, i got watery eyes. What causes it? Can it be a sign of pregnancy? Any suggestion?
Is it normal for a newborn to have watery eyes?
I see a newborn baby have watery eyes. Is this normal? Or it is a sign of some diseases?
Can fatigue cause watery eyes?
Is it possible to get watery eyes due to fatigue? If so, How can i stop watery eyes?
Why does only one of my eyes cry
It is so weird that one of my eyes watery now and then. But the other not. What causes it? Why only one of my eyes cry?
Is there a cure for watery eyes?
I really feel bad to suffer watery eyes. Do you have any good idea to treat it? Can it be cured? Please help!
Can ear infection cause watery eyes?
I have ear infection. But in recent day, my eyes also watery. And i don't know how to stop it. Can you tell me what makes my watery eyes? Can ear infection...
why does my mascara make my eyes water?
After wearing makeup, i noticed that my mascara make my eyes watery. Why? Will it cause damages to my eyes?
How to avoid watery eyes while cutting onions ?
Every time i cut onions, i get watery eyes. Is there any good way that can avoid watery eyes when cut onions?
Why do my eyes water when i yawn?
Every time when i yawn, my eye get watery and i can't control it. Is this normal? Why or why not?
Does glaucoma cause watery eyes?
Can glaucoma cause watery eyes? I want to know more about watery eyes. What are the side effects on eyes from glaucoma?