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45 results in 0.0091 seconds.
What causes cataracts?
I just want to know what will cause cataracts and how to avoid it. Can you tell me?
Can cataracts cause blurred vision?
I got blurred vision now and then in recent day. What causes it? Can cataracts it?
Can cataracts cause light sensitivity?
Is it very serious to suffer cataracts to the eyes? And how can it affect our eyes and vision? Will it cause sensitivity to light?
Will smoking increase the risk and accelerate the development of cataracts?
Will smoking increase the risk and accelerate the development of cataracts, macular degeneration and optic nerve damages?
I am a heavy...
Are there natural home remedies for cataracts?
My grandfather have cataracts. Is there any way that can cure cataracts? And my grandfather don't want to take surgery. So, is there any natural home...
Does anyone know good eye supplements for cataracts?
My grandpa has suffered from cataracts for years and things seem not to go very well. Can anyone help me to decide what kind of eye supplements are good...
Is double vision a symptom of cataracts?
I was diagnosed cataracts this morning, and I am really so sad. I have no idea of this disease. Is that why I have double vision these days? What can...
What vitamin deficiency causes cataracts?
Is vitamin deficiency contribute to cataracts? If so, what vitamin shall i take?
How to look at the sun without hurting your eyes ?
I heard that looking at the sun will damage our eyes. And too much exposure to sunlight will lead to cataracts. Really? How to look at sun without hurting...
Can diabetes cause cataracts ?
Is it possible to get cataracts from diabetes? How can cataracts affect on our vision?
Can smoking cause cataracts?
I know that smoking is bad to eyes. But i want to know if smoking lead to cataracts or make the cataracts more serious?
Can dehydration cause cataracts ?
How can dehydration affect on our eyes? Is it possible lead to cataracts?
What is the average age to get cataracts?
It seems cataracts often occurs to older people. So, Can you tell me at what age is people may get cataracts? What is the average age to get cataract...
Does stress cause cataracts?
It is said that stress can cause cataracts, so what can I do to prevent that from happening.
Can welding cause cataracts?
How can welding affect on our eyes? Is it possible to cataracts?