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How to get rid of air bubbles in contact lenses?

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  • How to get rid of air bubbles in contact lenses?

    I just bought a pair of contact lenses the day before yesterday. When i put the lenses into my eyes, i find it has a massive air bubble. I've tried people's suggestions of moving them around or pushing them but it doesn't work! Can you tell me how to get rid of the air bubbles in contact lenses?

  • #2
    Different people have different shape of eyeballs. That is to say, some contact lenses may be applied, while others are not. You can just move your eyeballs and have a try. However, there is little chance of air bubble when wearing the contact lenses. Your situation may be caused by the phlyctenular conjunctivitis. I suggest you to go to see the doctor and have the check.


    • #3
      I strong recommend you throw away your air bubbles contact lenses for the safety of your eyes. It seems your contact lenses are inferior one. And i don't know if there is a way to repair your contact lenses. But i know you will get your eyes hurt if you continue to wear such air bubbles contact lenses. In fact, a pair of contact lenses is not worthy much, you'd better but a new pair instead of trying to get of air bubbles in your contact lenses.


      • #4
        This problem is kind of complicated. Sometimes, bubbles just come out because of wrong wearing methods. But as it doesn't work even you have already tried moving them around and pushing, it must be other reasons. First of all, it might the something wrong with the contacts lenses. When the diameter of contacts is too long or the radian of contacts is too small, it may generate bubbles as the contacts lenses can no match your eyes and there will be spare space between eyeball and lens. If so, you shall go to get new contacts. Another possibility is that the bubbles are inside or onsides the contacts lenses. Take off the lenses and use collagen solution to wash them, bubbles on lenses can be wash out only by collagen solution. Then check carefully, if bubbles can be seen, it means that the contacts are of low quality and shall be immediately replaced. The second type of problem is that your eyes are not OK with contacts. Sometimes, bubbles in contact are aroused by inflammations. If so, you shall not wear contacts any more and have to go to see doctors to cure your eyes. After recover, for your eyes sake, you must wear frame glasses only.

