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What are implantable contact lenses?

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  • What are implantable contact lenses?

    Can you tell me what are implantable contact lenses? who are suitable to use implantable contact lenses?

  • #2
    Implantable Contact Lenses are type of foldable lens that is inserted through a micro opening in the cornea into the eye so as to improve vision. It is a safe, effective and reversible way to improve vision. Implantable contact lenses are especially made for people with strong myopia or with thin corneas that made laser treatment is not suitable. So, if you are one of them, you can try Implantable contact lenses.


    • #3
      If people who have high myopia or thin corneas are not suitable for lasik surgery to get their vision corrected and they don't want to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, they can choose implantable contact lenses which can be inserted behind the iris not on the surface of the eyeballs. In this way, people can get vision correction without glasses or contact lenses. Besides, implantable contact lenses are safe, effective and reversible.


      • #4
        Implantable contact lenses are a piece of refractive corrective lenses which is implanted inside eyes. Before you get it, you should consult an eye specialist to make sure whether implantable contact lenses are the best way for you to correct your visual acuity. You can surf the 'Implantable contact lenses' to learn more. As far as I know, implantable contact lenses are suitable for people with high myopia. And after you get them, do remember to avoid knead your eyes especially upper eyelids and wear safety glasses when you do sports. Once there is a dislocation, go to the doctor right away.

