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Does colored contact lenses show good on people with very dark eyes?

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  • Does colored contact lenses show good on people with very dark eyes?

    My eyes are a very dark brown and i was thinking of wearing contact lenses, but i have had someone to tell me that colored contact lenses don't show so well on people with dark eyes. Is this true?

  • #2
    you can try opaque colors .they are designed especially for people who want to change their eye color completely (to green,blue,aqua). But in my opinion, brown eyes are also beautiful , you don't need to change it intentioanlly . Remember that natural beauty is the most beautiful .


    • #3
      Yes, choose suitable colored contact lenses can give good looks to people with dark eyes. I have one Asian friend, she has black eyes and wearing colored contact lenses. And she looks amazing in blue colored contact lenses. So, you can have a try. Of course, choosing the color for contact lenses should consider to your hair color, skin color, as well as your clothes.

