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How to relieve red and itchy eyes after taking my contacts out

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  • How to relieve red and itchy eyes after taking my contacts out

    I am a new contact user. I often have red and itchy eyes after taking off my contacts. can you tell me how to relieve them?

  • #2
    Over wearing contacts may lead to red and itchy eyes. As you are a new contact user, I suggest you to wear contacts for 3-4 hours in each day in the beginning. Then you can increase the hour day by day. But usually a doctor will suggest us to wear contacts less than 8 hours in a day. After taking off your contacts, you can apply some artificial tears to lubricate your eyes. This will help relieve your red and itchy eyes.


    • #3
      Yes, contacts can make our eyes red and dry. When our eyes get dry, they are very itchy. You may need to apply some artificial tears to lubricate your eyes at this time. And contact users will apply artificial tears to moisten their eyes with their contacts on.

