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Is there anyway to test my sunglasses uv protection at home?

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  • Is there anyway to test my sunglasses uv protection at home?

    I just bought a pair of cheap sunglasses and the retailer did not specify if it has protection. Is there anyway to test my sunglasses uv protection at home?

  • #2
    I find some tips which tell you how to test your uv sunglasses: Borrow the UV flashlight, turn the lights out at home, and shine the UV light on everything you have until you find something fluorescent (that is, something which glows in the dark when you shine UV light on it -- I think they tend to call those kind of fluorescent colours "fluro" here in Australia, "Day-Glo" in the UK and "Neon" in the US). Highlighters are often fluorescent. Then you shine the UV flashlight through the lens of the glasses, and see if the object still glows in the dark. Not a precise way of checking to see if the sunglasses filter UV light -- it won't tell you if it's filtering all of it or just some of it, but at least you can test if they're actually doing something or not, and it won't cost you a cent to try.


    • #3
      There is no way that you can test the UV protection of your sunglasses at home. The best place you can go to have UV protection tested is your optometrist's office. Most optical stores have a special machine to test the UV protection of the sunglasses, which is called UV meter. I even take my old sunglasses to my optician and asked them to test my sunglasses to see whether they have UV protection or not. It turned to have UV protection. However, when you go to choose sunglasses, you should check the UV protection first by seeing the label UV 400. If they don't have the label, you'd better not buy them.


      • #4
        As far as I know a type sunglasses does only protect our eye from any UV rays, and not like any night vision devices.

